domingo, 4 de junio de 2017

Just You and I

Forgive me if I couldn’t love you,
if I was cold when you kissed me
Forgive me if I wanted to be alone
I’m slowly realizing who you were

All alone in the rain, all alone in your fallen plane
(…your bright smile when I was dying…)

I wish I were a demon instead of an angel,
I would be able to steal your soul
            so that you came back

Forgive me if I didn’t use my heart
I didn’t know what I had to say
when you talked to me

I have never learnt to speak Love
I just wanted to see the light in your silent eyes
Just you and I
in the echo of the deepest darkness
I only needed to love myself,
but you appeared and stole
the best side of me

Forgive me if I wanted to be alone
I’m slowly realizing who you were
I wish I could steal your soul…
But your smile destroyed

            the worst side of me.

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