sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018

T.O.U.C.H. me #antipoetry

I can feel your heat trapping me. Only your rebellious kisses can bring me to my real... life (maybe I'm cheating my own underworld to imagine your divine figure again... again... like a fading hope which makes me break your wall...).


       Use your bare antiverses to create a new ME. I've just realized that the system is the burden to make people too realistic. Let's fire up our greatest insecurities and let them hold our exhausted spirits...
     'Cause we changed and didn't know it until we saw a shining reflection in our nudity. We are only one... (Paralysis). Brush my skin with your antiverses and just touch me. Be quiet.  /kɪs/  /kɪs/  /kɪs/ and watch me be the... YOUR... (Madness). You're the essence of the most surrealistic... and my only truth in all this non-poem... Mais oui... Je ... t'...  /kɪs/  /kɪs/ Maybe I'm the beauty your world needed as its new oxygene... Oui... (T.O.U.C.H. me) Je m'ap... elle...
     (Identity not founded).

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