jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018


An inexistent song healed my last dream
It was the name of a woman I loved
Sounds of past lives, lost kisses, gazes I forgot

Maybe the Diva in me has reborn
And I need to remember who I was
to take my darkest hat and make life shine

My hand made me draw my biggest smile
in the H O R I Z O N of millions people's eyes
Why couldn't I see in anything else

                     than black or white?

I was afraid of being this free again
Of making my story become so real
Of being the river which survived
my own sea, one more night with myself

An inexistent song healed my last dream
Maybe I can be the sister of the most powerful storm,
transformed in ashes, in the wife of Fire

                                    In the most real illusion.

                                    Irene Castro


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