viernes, 1 de diciembre de 2017

QUEEN Sxx-Pride II

I was the daughter of an ignored Goddess
who created a Universe from a cup of tea

and painted Queen Nature's eyes with Hope and Danger

'Cause her sassiness is the life I've always looked for

If my tears could go and die in anywhere,
it might be the End of the World
         to which we are condemned
On winter nights I feel the pleasure of releasing my body
and feeling Queen Nature's nudity, the Pride of her K.I.S.S.
She touches my wild tears before they die
                           in the deepest Nothing
(Yes, maybe I can learn to cry in my other pasts...)

She has finished me, and kidnapped me, and saved me

from the damn power

of being the daughter of the Goddess
who created my Universe from a cup of tea

'Cause her sexiness is the Death I've always looked for

after flowing through the corridors from
                                                      living room
where Don Quixote's still reading
and the purest monk's

learning the best way           to escape from Heaven...

To BE Molten with her QUEEN.

(Written while listening to "Don't Wanna Cry" by SEVENTEEN).

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