domingo, 24 de julio de 2016

My Inside

When I don't know what I should write, I just feel it. I don't mind!, I just wanna tell you diamonds and fly through my heart. Shhhhhhhhhhhh, be quiet... You're dreaming that you're dreaming.

You may be blue owing to loneliness (it's really such a beautiful sound: /ˈləʊnlɪnəs/, oooooh that pretty Schwa). Seriously? Oh, you don't know what loneliness is. It's a flooding feeling, and even your soul seems to leave you. And if the world is big enough, you're just a tear in a middle of millions of smiles. You're never alone. There is a creature in you called "(your name)", and it is the only one who could rescue you from the hole you are in.

A poem is only a dream loved in paper (who knows?...). Tonight I was travelling through Europe. Europe was an entire sea with its own Ocean. My boat was the Death and I was feeling so alive... Oh, Portugal, Polland, Serbia, Sweeden, Slovenia, San Marino, Norway, Italy... Ireland!!! I had a clover with five leaves in my lungs and I began to breathe the Spring; my woman, my life...

Moldova, Macedonia, Albania... Freedonia!!! The Marx brothers were not so wrong. The world needs it; and has always needed it. Yesterday, today, forever... why? (Who knows?...).

If my Love is powerful enough, let's release it. I touched Germany when I was in Austria... Switzerland, Belgium, England... I am like a heroine who has started to live as a teenager and who will probably die as a teenager.

And... If I wanted to finish my poem... I would arrive to Serbia. Why Serbia? Simply... say ZDRAVO... здраво!!! And you will have done magic.

...Who knows.

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Denme una sola razón para olvidarme de escalar la montaña más alta del firmamento al que estoy destinada. Díganme que me ven sucia, que qui...

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